Search results: national foreclosure statistics information
Articles on national foreclosure statistics from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
Foreclosure Doom And Gloom - Is There A Light At The End Of This Tunnel?
From the Foreclosure Market Report, "So far this year more than 1 million properties have entered some stage of foreclosure nationwide, up 27 percent from the same time last year. The Wall Street Journal has reported that with a large number of people losing their houses to foreclosure, more are ...
Thinking About Investing? Now May Be The Time For Real Estate
Wishing you had of gotten in on the Real Estate boom that has now all but ended? Were you thinking you should get out of Real Estate? ?Now may be the perfect time to enter the market?, says Real Estate expert Brian Marsh. ?The main stream press has its job to do, and that is to sell stories. As of ...
Stop Foreclosure, Loss Mitigation Consulting - An Untapped Multi-Trillion Dollar Niche Industry
Due to the current falling real estate market, sub-prime mortgage crisis & rapidly rising home foreclosure rates, a Multi-Trillion Dollar Business Opportunity Has Been Created In The Real Estate Industry - Loss Mitigation / Foreclosure Prevention Consulting services. The Real Estate foreclosure ...
Is Today A Good Day to Buy Real Estate in DC, Maryland (MD), Virginia (VA), and Dallas, Texas
Trying to "time" a real estate market is not the best idea. Too many variables are involved. Real estate experts said the average price of a home declined by 3 percent in 2007, but that average is for the entire country, not necessarily your home town. How much will the average price decline in ...
Foreclosure Investing - A Boon For The Neighborhood
Those doing it say it is strictly business. Those having it done to them may call it profiting at the expense of another. But national statistics indicate that the practice of purchasing foreclosed homes for immediate resale, or foreclosure investing, has neither increased nor decreased over the ...
The Real Casualties of Subprime Lending
Subprime lending has recently caused over 56 lenders to either go out of business or stop issuing subprime loans because of excessive foreclosure rates. The lending community made decisions in the last few years that dramatically eased a borrower's qualifications with a resultant dramatic increase ...
House Sales And Prices Fall
The United States housing market continues to show signs of major ailments in the most recent statistical reports released for the month on April 2007. March reports looked grim, setting new records for drastic falls in sales and prices, but not the month of April looks even worse. For the ninth ...
Stop Foreclosure In Its Tracks!
Loss mitigation was introduced as a collaborative effort between the federal government and the mortgage industry to prevent foreclosures. So, loss mitigation is defined as the process of trying to stop foreclosure before it occurs. The art of loss mitigation requires helping delinquent homeowners, ...
Stop My Foreclosure! How to Convince Your Mortgage Company to Give You Another Chance
Statistics show that national foreclosure filings were up 72% in the first quarter of 2006. Clearly more and more homeowners are facing the possibility of losing their house as they struggle to stay current on their payments. Being in foreclosure is a scary situation - but with a little knowledge ...
Real Estate a Permanent Investment
Despite recent local reporting that the real estate market and lending institutions are in dire straits, the national statistics do not apply to this particular area of the country. It is being widely, and falsely believed, that the real estate market is "bottoming out" and that we may well be ...